Cooking with Code: Mix until combined (or using While and Do-While loops in Apex & Java)

Loops are like a recipe instruction of "Mix until combined."

Welcome back to another episode of Cooking With Code, where I tempt you with food-inspired introductions to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.

In previous posts, you’ve learned that Apex and Java, like other OOP languages, have basic building blocks or tools to help us program. Examples include: classes, objects, methods, and variables (both primitive and collections). Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: Primitive Data Types in Apex and Java

Cooking with Code: Introducing primitive data types in Apex and JavaThinking about variables makes me hungry. That might be taking things a little far, but I’ve been preoccupied with cooking and coding recently, so they seem to be merging in my mind.  I think this stuff can be fun, and for me, silly analogies make it all easier to understand. Hopefully by the end of this post you’ll agree! Continue Reading