Cooking with Code: Yummy Apex Utility Classes

Apex Utility ClassesWelcome back to Cooking with Code. Today we are going to take a deeper dive into the ins and outs of apex classes.

We looked at this in my intro to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) post, but today we’re going to go over what are commonly called Utility Classes. I know, right?! Who doesn’t love a little utility in their lives? Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: A Tasty Trigger Treat (Apex Triggers)

blog-triggers-woahWell! Here we are … facing one of the “big topics” in Apex coding. I have to say that I’m pretty darn excited (and yes, it’s true, I am easily excited). We’re finally getting to run some actual code … like … for realz!  It’s Apex trigger time!

Today, in Cooking with Code, we’re going to tackle the triggers. I think you’ll be amazed to see how that, for all the hype, they aren’t all that complicated. Really, you’ve done most of the hard stuff. Continue Reading

Cooking With Code: Conditional Statements in Apex (and Java)

blog-conditional-IntroLately I’ve covered some pretty dense topics (SOQL, For Loops, Apex Collections), so I wanted to lighten up our code batter.

Today, we’ll tackle something on the more airy side and also something super fun to work with (and really handy for all Awesome Admins to know). Welcome to code kitchen, where we’ll whip up a batch of conditional statements! Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: Oh … for the Love of FOR Loops

For Loops in ApexNow that we’ve got our head around how to work with SOQL to pull data sets out of our Salesforce org, it’s time to circle back to loops.

In a previous post, we walked through While and Do-While Loops (and we learned to make Pavlova, which I seem to be obsessed with these days). I mentioned that there was another type of loop; a For loop. That’s the topic of today’s blog post; a fantastically flavor-filled foray into For loops. Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: A Sweet Intro to SOQL (Part Three)

I LIKE SOQLWelcome back to another episode of “Cooking with Code” where I introduce delectable bite-sized topics related to coding in Salesforce.

Today, we are concluding our satisfying sampler of Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) with Part Three of this three part series.

My first post introduced the basics of SOQL statements, including the following concepts and keywords: SELECT, FROM, LIMIT, ORDER BY, basic WHERE conditions, and basic operators. My second post showed how to pull data from related standard and custom objects. Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: Mix until combined (or using While and Do-While loops in Apex & Java)

Loops are like a recipe instruction of "Mix until combined."

Welcome back to another episode of Cooking With Code, where I tempt you with food-inspired introductions to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts.

In previous posts, you’ve learned that Apex and Java, like other OOP languages, have basic building blocks or tools to help us program. Examples include: classes, objects, methods, and variables (both primitive and collections). Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: Amuse-bouche* of Apex Collections (Lists, Sets, and Maps)

Orchard with apples

In my last blog post, I wrote about variables, and in particular, primitives. Today I’m going to expand on variables and talk about the oh-so-powerful idea of “collections.”

Unlike Java, which only has one type of collection (Arrays, also know as a Lists), Apex has three to choose from: Lists, Sets, and Maps. Together, we’ll go into each of these types of collections and show you what they are best used for, and how to use them when you start coding. Continue Reading

Cooking with Code: Primitive Data Types in Apex and Java

Cooking with Code: Introducing primitive data types in Apex and JavaThinking about variables makes me hungry. That might be taking things a little far, but I’ve been preoccupied with cooking and coding recently, so they seem to be merging in my mind.  I think this stuff can be fun, and for me, silly analogies make it all easier to understand. Hopefully by the end of this post you’ll agree! Continue Reading

What is Apex?

A is for ApexFirst let me say that I LOVE Salesforce and in addition, sometimes they don’t make it easy for a newbie to understand what the heck they’re talking about! This is the first sentence of the Salesforce ,What is Apex

Apex is a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the platform server in conjunction with calls to the API. Continue Reading